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Da Vinci Day Check-In 3

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What progress have I made?

Got My First Major Client

Last weekend, I got my first major client, Robinson Landscape. Mr. Robinson is looking to do a total remodel of his website and online presence. After I create the website, he wants me to also take control of his Google AdWords. This is basically a way of paying to have an ad displayed for your business at the top of a page when a certain key word is searched. The current setup is pretty complex already and well-tested. But since these ads are a set cost per click depending on a variety of factors, I will need to make sure no money is being wasted on useless ads. For example, Robinson Landscape specializes in pool removal. So when someone searches for "remove my pool", his ad will be displayed assuming that they live in an area he services. But when someone searches for "pool filters", you don't want the ad to pop up. Because then people click on it, Google takes your money, and you make no profit from it since it was unrelated.

And that's basically what I've been spending most of my time on the past week or so. Hopefully I'll have it done by Da Vinci Day.

Setup Email Addresses & Phone Number.

To separate work and personal things, I got a new phone number that links to my iPhone so that I can make and receive calls/texts at (267) 354-0450 instead of the phone number I give to family and friends. A business call can be easily recognized since it will show up on my phone as Mitch Wagner Design, and then save the persons phone number in the call log. With my new domain, I also setup my email to make it more professional. So instead of, my email addresses can be,,,, etc.

Built A Customer Support Center.

From what I've read about, full, responsive, customer service is key. Without it, customers don't feel the need to recommend you to others. So I created a separate website at which I will be filling with articles to help any of my clients with questions. If their search doesn't result anything, they can open a support ticket that I can reply to directly by email. An account will be opened with their email so that they can easily manage and see the status of their tickets.

Made A Client Portal.

In addition, I started up a portal page on my website where clients will be able to securely login to access the information we have stored for them. They can view the contact information we have on file, request changes to that contact info, view their current and past services, links to every invoice, request site edits if they have a maintenance plan with us, open a support ticket, and they can view more contact information for us that we only wish to give to current clients.

Got Connected On Social Media.

To keep customers up to date and help spread the word about my business, I have opened multiple social media accounts.

Started Up Accounting Software.

I've started to play around with a few different accounting softwares that will allow me to keep track of my expenses, send quotes to potential clients, send invoices for my work, track the time I spend on each project, and with some of them, collect payments online through a debit/credit card.


Where to next?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an important, but long, process. Like the name suggests, you are optimizing your site in ways that will make you more easily found by search engine bots. This also includes submitting my business to places like Google My Business, Bing Places, YellowPages, etc.

Social Media

Most prominently for the next few weeks, I will need to be posting, sharing, and liking it up all over social media. My family has been pretty supportive of it already, and I have already had a few family members creating Facebook posts dedicated to just helping me spread my word.


I figure one way to spread the word is to ask for your help! Below is a coupon that is valid until April 21st, 2017, the next blog post due date. Send anyone about the offer by sharing the link with anyone you know looking for stunning website design. They will receive 20% off the total price for their website design just by entering the code DVD2 online in the request a quote form.


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