1) Once you have reached the step in our process of reviewing your site and suggesting edits, you will receive an email to your preferred contact.
2) In the email you will find a link to click on. This link will open a page on our website. (If you can't find this link, contact us, we can resend you the link and reset the password.
3) You will see a box that says "Enter Password". Proceed to enter the password given to you in the email.
4) Now you will see some text explaining what to do, as well as your site below it. This is the Feedback Tool.
5) Press to blue "Add Comment" button in the top right.

6) Drag and drop the purple dot onto anything you want changed or would like to comment on.
7) Type your comment in the box.

8) Choose an emotion with the blue face at the right hand corner of the comment box.

9) Press send.
10) To delete a comment press the delete button in the bottom right hand corner of the comment box.

It's that easy and mostly self-explanatory once you reach the Feedback Tool! All comments are private and can only be seen by Mitch Wagner Design. Once you close the browser window/tab, we instantly get an email telling us that you have requested edits/commented for your site. You may end up repeating these steps multiple times during the course of the design process. If you still have questions contact us!